Nature API User Guide

Taylor Andrews
Created: Nov 17, 2023 - Updated: Nov 17, 2023
Sust Global's Nature API is a RESTful API interface to Sust Global's durability (non-permanence) indicators for nature based carbon projects. This guide helps users learn how to work with the API directly.
To quickly get up and going with the Nature API, you first must retrieve your API key. Navigate to your Nature User Profile and copy the value of API Key. This value will be referenced below as $APIKEY.
Open a local terminal, then run the following curl command:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" --header "X-SustGlobal-Project: nc-demo"
If you have jq installed, you may prefer to pipe the result through for better viewing:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" --header "X-SustGlobal-Project: nc-demo" | jq .
A successful response from the projects endpoint will contain a set of all sub-projects you currently may access. For example, a single sub-project named “VCS1378 - ARR Chinchina River”:
"name":"VCS1378 - ARR Chinchina River",
"status":"Processing Completed",
"type":"Forest Carbon"
This response status (“Processing Completed”) tells us that the VCS1378 - ARR Chinchina River sub-project already contains summary data. We can fetch this data with the following command, where the ID in the URL corresponds to the ID of the sub-project:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" --header "X-SustGlobal-Project: nc-demo"
Likewise with jq included:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" --header "X-SustGlobal-Project: nc-demo" | jq .
A truncated version of the response is displayed below:
"geometry": {
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [ ... ]
"metadata": {
"Entity Name": "VCS1378",
"label:project_name_sqkm": "Forestry Project for the Basin of the Chinchina River, an Environmental and Productive Alternative for the City and the Region",
"label:country": "Colombia",
"Type": "Forestry and Land Use",
"label:continent": "South America",
"label:poly_area": 1196.7751479009767
"summary": {
"pest_disease_baseline_mean": 4,
"seismic_baseline_mean": 2.7344253333333333,
"wildfire_carbon_loss_baseline_mean": 0.9609010907672909,
"wildfire_observed_baseline_mean": 0,
"wildfire_ssp585_baseline_mean": 0.0005720844798136863,
"wildfire_ssp585_2050_mean": 0.0006717108151462417,
"water_balance_ssp585_2050_mean": 1135.5001212914913
Read through the remainder of this document from here to learn about other aspects of the API.
API Mechanics
All API requests must be authenticated using an API key. Find your own API key at in your Nature User Profile.
To authenticate an API request, simply pass your API key as an HTTP header named X-SustGlobal-APIKey. For example, if your API key were MY_API_KEY then you would authenticate your request like so:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: MY_API_KEY"
Note that a project must typically be indicated via a project HTTP header. You can programmatically identify which projects you may access via the /superprojects/ endpoint:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY"
Results will look like:
Then for subsequence API calls, use the project_name value in the HTTP headers. For example:
curl "" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" --header "X-SustGlobal-Project: nc-demo"
API Examples
This section contains a set of example commands you can run on your machine to interact with the API.
Note that many of the examples refer to environment variables that must be set manually:
- Your API key, must be set in the $APIKEY environment variable. See Authentication to learn more about this.
- The $PROJECT environment variable refers to the name of the project you wish to work with. You determine this value.
Upload a new Sub-Project From a File
To upload a new sub-project from a file, you will need to have access to a file with the geojson representation of the project area, and jq installed.
See the following example for a file named MYGEOJSONFILE.geojson uploading to a sub-project named My Project:
jq -n --slurpfile geojson MYGEOJSONFILE.geojson '{"projectName": "My Project","geojson": $geojson[],"type": "NCS"}' \
| curl "" \
--header "X-SustGlobal-Project: $PROJECT" \
--header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data @-
Upload a new Sub-Project Directly From Command Line
To upload a new sub-project directly from the command line, you will need to include a geojson representation of the project area. See the following example:
curl -i -X POST "" \
--header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" \
--header "X-SustGlobal-Project: $PROJECT" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"projectName": "cURL Test",
"geojson": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"Entity Name": "PLAN_VIVO-160821804314941641368371873322842545572",
"label:project_name_sqkm": "Babatana Rainforest Conservation Project (Sirebe)",
"label:country": "Solomon Islands",
"Type": "Forestry and Land Use",
"label:continent": "Oceania",
"label:poly_area": 8.1214649910303081
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"type": "NCS"
Export Sub-Project Summary as File
To export the sub-project summary results as a file (make sure to set the $PROJECTID):
curl -OJ "$PROJECTID/export" --header "X-SustGlobal-APIKey: $APIKEY" --header "X-SustGlobal-Project: $PROJECT"
This will write a json file to the filesystem.
API Endpoint Reference
You may access the Nature API Reference, which describes every REST endpoint, parameter, request and response.
OpenAPI / Swagger
The Nature API is documented using OpenAPI (Swagger). You may access the document at the following URI:
This URL is publicly-accessible and is automatically updated as the API evolves.
Citing Sust Global API
From a concept to adoption by an emerging group of early adopters, many people have invested time and energy in developing and enabling access to Sust Global’s capabilities. Please cite Sust Global when using our data and insights. To cite Sust Global’s data in publications, please use the following:
Sust Inc (2021). Sust Global Application Programming Interface: Transforming frontier climate science to actionable data.
author = {Sust Global Team},
organization = {Sust Inc},
title = {Sust Global Application Programming Interface: Transforming frontier climate science to actionable data},
year = {2021--},
url = ""