SFDR Compliance

Gopal Erinjippurath
Created: Dec 14, 2022 - Updated: Dec 5, 2023
Sust Global covers a wide variety of hazards. This section highlights the specifics of that coverage.
Hazard Coverage
The following chart describes hazards Sust Global covers out of the box (highlighted in green), as well as those enabled through links/resources (highlighted in yellow).
Hazards covered by Sust Global:
- Heat stress
- Temperature variability
- Cold wave/frost
- Wildfire
- Changing wind patters
- Cyclone
- Precipitation patterns
- Precipitation or hydrological variability
- Sea level rise
- Water stress
- Drought
- Heavy precipitation
- Flood
Hazards not covered by Sust Global:
- Changing temperature (air, freshwater, marine water)
- Permafrost thawing
- Storm (including blizzards, dust, and sandstorms)
- Tornado
- Ocean acidification
- Saline intrusion
- Glacial lake outburst
- Coastal erosion
- Soil degradation
- Soil erosion
- Solifluction
- Avalanche
- Landslide
- Subsidence
Alternative data sources
Changing temperature (freshwater, marine water)
IPCC Interactive Atlas (Advanced)
Permafrost thawing
IPCC Interactive Atlas (Advanced)
Blizzard: IPCC Interactive Atlas
Sand and dust storm: IPCC Interactive Atlas
Ocean Acidification
Saline Intrusion
SALINA - SALine INtrusion in coastal Aquifers
Glacial lake outburst
Coastal erosion
Soil degradation
Soil erosion
UNESCO Land Subsidence International Initiative